FOOD for thought, thoughts for FOOD
I'm super excited to be hosting a Plexus Pop-up conversation! Plexus Institute is a network of change catalysts focusing on applying complexity science in relevant ways. Pop-up conversations are free online video sessions - essentially it's a conversation about a topic hosted by someone in the network. Individuals get together and look at the intricacies of a subject - the structure and web of that subject as well as how we interact with it. Hello, complexity! These are open to the public and generally 1 hour long.
Join us for my upcoming conversation! Here are the details:
An open conversation on the complexity of our relationship to food.
September 24, 2018
from 12 - 1pm (timezone: EST)
Join on Zoom:
If you are unable to join this call, a recording of it will be posted on the Plexus YouTube channel
Visit Plexus' website to see this event there.
Every individual’s relationship with food is unique. Wait, relationship to food? Yes! You have one, I have one, we ALL have one - and like most relationships, it’s complex. There are many factors, opinions and emotions that influence what we eat and why we eat it: taste, money, time, convenience, nutrition, heritage, family, politics, agribusiness, the food industry, advertising, politics, etc. The most obvious factor of all - yet possibly the least considered by most Americans - is the fact that what we put in our mouths IS THE FUEL which powers our cells to run our metabolic processes on which our health depends.
Have you thought about your relationship to food? This ongoing and ever changing relationship is often not acknowledged, yet it's a crucial part of our lives whether we love it or we hate it or something in between. Each of us makes decisions about food everyday. On what do you base those decisions - what thoughts, beliefs, desires, circumstances, influences? What are you thinking and feeling when you make those food decisions? It’s a fascinating conversation. I can’t wait to chat with you!
Cat Lyons, RN, culinary nutrition coach, cookbook + recipe curator
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